Positive Check-in

Positive Check-in

"Positive check-in" event ---- where pain, stress and frustration go away.

        Every week can be an amazing week. Sometimes we have one of those weeks where there was so much stress that all you want to do is go home and watch TV. There's another option. You can come to this "Positive check-in" event so you can feel like yourself again. We play a positive game where the rules are to keep it light and fun. Rules like no complaining, no criticizing, no giving each other advice, no blaming, no being shy, no sharing your pain. It's completely the opposite of every party, family dinner or business meeting that you assist during the week. Let's give your life balance. 

         This is for people that REALLY want a positive environment. For people that have said "I want to hang out with positive people". It's also for people that love to be on stage and love attention. It's a space where nothing is "wrong" and nobody is "wrong"!! We will have a blast!!!! This event is about you and about us!! And about how we can entertain each other for two hours so we enjoy our true essence. Please do NOT come if you are shy or if you are going to be timid during your interview or during the game. We want to build that environment that extroverts want!! An environment with true connections and no drama. I dare you to bring a complete extrovert stranger next time.


:::: Cost:  $10 at the door. Cash or credit card.

:::: Ages: 22 and up.

:::: Event structure:

First 15 minutes --- registration, payment of $10, mingling and serving yourself a drink (Drinks and snacks brought by everyone)

The next 30 minutes --- each person gets a 5 minute interview and then right after their interview they have the option to sing a song or dance a song or perform anything they want to and everyone has to give energy to that person during his/her interview and performance. The performance is optional. The interview isn't optional. 4 people will probably be able to go up in these 30 minutes. Bring your guitar, poems, speeches, comedy skits, props, wigs, hats, song titles to dance or song lyrics to sing if you are up for performing. If you don't perform at the end of your 5 minute interview, you will be asked to give one acknowledgement to someone in the audience. That's all.

The next 15 minutes --- Break

The next 45 minutes --- Connection game where there are cards to choose and each card asks the player to say a successful story about themselves or a story about when they helped someone etc... No sob stories allowed. No painful stories allowed. Only entertaining exciting stories. And each card has a dare too!! (The dares are simple, fun and optional).

The next 15 minutes --- mingling and good byes.

At the end --- help cleaning up snacks and stuff is greatly appreciated.



:::: Rules of the event and the space:

    These rules are enforced especially during the breaks where everyone will want to talk to each other. If you break any of these rules, you create a disconnection. We don't allow disconnections in these two hours:

- No complaining.
- No whining.
- No blaming.
- No feeling bad about anything.
- No feeling guilty about anything.
- No making assumptions.
- No having expectations about the event, the organizer or the participants.
- No criticizing. No making anything or anyone wrong.
- No having an opinion of anything or anyone.
- No giving each other advice.  Just feedback. 
  (We will show you how to say feedback)
- No preaching or imposing any religion or beliefs.
- No getting mad or throwing    anger at anyone including me 
- No getting mad if I give you a strike or if I give anyone a strike.
- No wanting or grabbing    attention when it's not your turn. 
  We share attention and we pay attention to the one whose "turn" it is 
  on stage on telling a story or doing a dare.
- No sharing self-pity stories.
- No getting mad or sharing your anger.
- Bring your fun and joy.
- Curse words are allowed and not to be criticized. Use curse words playfully, 
  not with anger. If used with anger it's a strike. If someone criticizes that     
  someone said a curse word, that's a strike too.
- Sexual innuendo is allowed and not to be criticized. This group is about being 
  fully alive and that includes our playfulness. If someone criticizes sexual    
  innuendo, you would be suppressing the fun of the group and it's a strike.
- No putting pressure on each   other or forcing anyone to laugh.
- Say acknowledgements to each other on the breaks. No advice on the breaks. 
  No sharing your pain during the breaks either.
- No getting drunk, just a nice buzz if you'd like. If you get drunk it is three 
   strikes and you are out.

Note: The rules will be enforced. Three strikes and you're out until the next "Positive check-in" event. It's about having our own personal light space in these two hours. 

NOTE: If someone has a microphone and speakers we can use it would be great if you bring them!! 




Bio --- Mariana Cortez

Mariana Cortez is a communication coach that shows her clients how to rediscover their natural wisdom so they can attract more of the things they want into their lives. Before starting her own coaching practice, she worked at Dell for 11 years. Four of those years were as a sales & communication coach. She received advanced coaching training at Sage University in Europe. www.sageuniversity.com 

        Mariana says, "You can successfully inspire everyone around you to cooperate with your goals." 

:::: Here's what you'll take away from her coaching:

· How to "attract" what you really want in your life 
   instead of "chasing" after it.
· How to connect instantly and effectively with clients and people
   in every area of your life.
· How to give your conversations higher levels of vitality & excitement.
· How to make instant connections.

        Mariana will demonstrate her real-world techniques that provide these benefits. Let her know if you want a 30 minute or 60 minute coaching over coffee ($30 and $60) or if you want to go to one of the free coaching evenings on Tuesdays.



:::: Products and services that will be offered:
• Connection game cards: $20
• Language of Connection online course
  (100 lessons to open up 10 levels of connection): 
   thelanguageofconnection.teachable.com: $20
• Language of Connection feedback session 30 minutes: $30
• Positive check-in event for families & neighbors: $20 each, minimum 5 people.


Here are the examples of the Connection game cards:

::::: STORY examples: (No more than 4 minutes each) 
1 - Tell us your most exciting adventure.  
2 - Tell us the best advice you received. 
3 - Acknowledge someone. 
4 - Tell us your biggest dream. 
5 - Tell us how you met your spouse or best friend. 
6 - Tell us about your biggest crush in your school or neighborhood.   
7 - Tell us about your best city that you traveled to.  
8 – Describe the best day that could ever happen to you.       
      (Where would you be, What would you buy, What are you wearing,       
       Who are you with, What is the weather like) 
9 - Tell your most successful story.
10- Tell us about something you had never done before and you did it for the first time and you were very excited. (Sky diving, bungee jumping, zip lining, horse back riding, going up to a stranger to ask for something, going on a         motorcycle, going on a go-cart or roller-coaster, where?)


 :::: DARE examples (These are optional): 
1 - Sing "Oops I did it again" by Britney Spears or a song that you like. 
2 - Sing "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson and
      try to do the moon walk or sing a song that you like. 
3 - Do a cartwheel with your body or with your hands. 
4 - Do a handstand or a pretend handstand. 
5 - Do a 10 second strip tease. 
6 - Bark like a dog.  
7 - Act like a dog and get petted by everyone.  
8 - Sing "Sorry" by Justin Beaver  
9 - Imitate a monkey. 
10 - Say the words "I would like to eat a banana now" with an English accent. 
11 - Balance a spoon on your nose. 
12 - Do your best evil laugh. 
13 - Use your stomach as a drum and do a tribal dance. 
14 - Do a chicken dance. 
15 - Walk like an Egyptian.
16 - Pretend you are modeling your clothes in a catwalk. 
17 - Put a cookie on your forehead and slowly get it to your mouth and eat it. 


          In a way, these two hours will be about getting yourself in a space where nothing "matters", you feel your joy and you get re-energized. In these two hours you will also see how to see people out in the real world and treat them in a way that everyone gets passionate about their life.

Zum Kalender hinzufügen 03-15-2016 07:00:00 03-15-2016 21:00:00 Positive Check-in Positive Check-in --- Event to let it all lose. -- Good bye stress and pressure. 5700 NW Central Dr, Suite 401, Houston, TX 77092 Houston Business Lounge false MM-dd-YYYY